You’ve been working on improving your self-esteem by engaging in positive self-talk and by treating your body to healthy food and exercise. These are great ways to build self-confidence and an overall sense of self-worth. Yet in order to truly live our healthiest lives, we need to address our whole self: our minds, our bodies and our soul.
Self Esteem for the Soul
Taking time to enjoy the love and company of others is great for our spirit. Sharing time and love and laughter gives life positive meaning. We are busy people and get caught up in jobs and activities and schedules and routines.
Sometimes we get so busy we forget to have fun. We often take for granted the people we love and are so busy we stop having fun together.
Slowing down and taking stock of what is important to us is a valuable way to improve the self-esteem of our spirits. We are human “beings,” after all. Yet we tend to behave as human “doings,” often being too busy to actually enjoy life!
How to Find Your Balance
It is the quality of our relationships that greatly influence our level of spiritual self-esteem. In order to have healthy spiritual self-esteem, we need to tend to others at times, giving of ourselves in a variety of ways. Spending time with others, doing things to help out, sharing our time and talents with friends, family and strangers are ways we deepen our healthy sense of self-esteem.
It is equally important to take time by ourselves, to reflect our what we want in life and to evaluate if we are putting our efforts into actions that result in our obtaining what is most important to us. Sometimes we need to put away the electronics and sit with ourselves in the quiet. Get to know yourself, to like yourself, and to appreciate yourself by “being” with yourself.
TRY THIS: For the next 30 days, take 10 minutes at some point each day and just “be.” Be, alone with yourself with no distractions. And enjoy your own company!
The combined efforts of improving your self-talk, improving what you put into your body, making sure your exercise your body, and spending a few minutes alone with yourself each day will definitely improve your sense of self-esteem.
Positive self-esteem makes for a great way to greet each day, a joyful way to greet each person you meet, and a fantastic way to greet the amazing human being who looks back at you in the mirror! Here’s to a healthier self-esteem for mind, body and soul!