It is July in Georgia. That means heat, heat, and more heat! There is no escaping the hot, humid weather that comes with Georgia summers. And the last thing our patients want to do is sabotage their healthy diet with those refreshing, yet sugary beverages. So we have created a recipe book for low carb, low calorie summer drinks that will quench your thirst and cool you down!
In previous blogs, I have talked about how most beverages sold on the market today are essentially like liquid candy. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that Americans only consume 50 grams of sugar a day. Unfortunately, the average American consumes DOUBLE this amount, and in some cases more if they are accustomed to quenching their thirst with a sugar-filled drink.
These sugary beverages are essentially liquid calories that, no surprise, are contributing to the obesity epidemic!
In many studies, it has been proven that sugar is extremely addictive. So if you are one of those individuals who lives for your Coca-Cola or Monster Energy Drink, we understand that it can be hard to just quit.
Morgan (another LHMD dietitian) and I have created a FREE Recipe Book that includes 5 low-carb, summer drinks. We know, artificial sugar is not the same as the real deal sugar. However, we always suggest our patients use artificial sweeteners when trying to lose weight or keep the weight off as a method of making those "blah" things pretty dang good!
This recipe book has some pretty tasty and funky twists on the original, sugar-filled drinks you may be used to consuming. Download it today and drink up!