The gastric bypass diet is very particular, with your bariatric care team having specific protocols for how you need to eat at various stages post-operatively. The gastric sleeve and gastric bypass diets are pretty similar in concept, so feel free to use this as a guide for either surgery. The gastric bypass diet phases consist […]

As the most prominent communication and information-sharing platform, social media greatly influences the diet culture, sometimes sharing unrealistic weight loss expectations. Social media diet culture and trends are constantly moving and changing, with users sharing “newer” and “better” diets to follow. Although not all are necessarily bad, basing your weight and food intake on someone […]
Following a vegan diet may improve your overall health and long-term quality of life, which can become quite attractive when considering incorporating this new form of eating into your lifestyle. Yet before you jump into eating a plant-based diet, there are a few things to consider. Here are ten things you can expect when switching […]
Veganism and following a vegan diet has become trendy, whether for health reasons, environmental concerns, or ethical motivations. Whatever the reason, it is entirely safe and healthy to follow a vegan diet after bariatric surgery. You may have to be a little more creative and careful with the foods that you pick. On a vegan diet, […]
The vegan diet has become a popular form of eating in more recent years. With celebrities and influencers touting the health benefits of a vegan diet, you may be curious about what it means to be vegan and why everyone follows this trend. A vegan diet, otherwise known as a plant-based diet, is a way […]
The carnivore diet, also known as the zero-carb diet or all meat diet, is not to be confused with the ketogenic diet. If you’ve followed other diets to lose weight only to put it back on again later on, maybe the carnivore diet is what you need to achieve your weight loss goals and build lean […]
The keto diet has been shown to be an effective diet for losing weight. Its low-carbohydrate, high-fat, moderate-protein model transforms the body from glucose-reliant to a machine that uses fat for fuel and produces ketones endogenously.
Many swear by keto, but just like other diets, it isn’t for everyone. The important things to consider when deciding whether or not to “go keto” after bariatric surgery are your current health status, your health goals, and how (and if) keto can fit into your life.
Macronutrients (“macros” for short) are the components of food that we consume in large quantities that provide energy in the form of calories—fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Macros provide the bulk of our body’s energy, and all of the food we consume contains some relative percent of each.
Far from a fad diet, the ketogenic diet, a.k.a the keto diet, is proving that it is here to stay. The attention is well justified, since the ketogenic diet has benefits for athletes, weight loss, and several other health-related conditions. And with an emphasis on the consumption of whole, nutritious, tasty foods, many people find […]
In last weeks blog post, I talked about intermittent fasting, what it entails, and the added benefits. And as promised, this week I am talking about the downsides as well as what my take is on bariatric patients doing intermittent fasting.
Intermittent fasting seems to be another rising health trend and one that is said to promote weight loss and simplicity—if done appropriately. It is not a diet, but rather a pattern of eating. It involves alternating between periods of fasting and eating. There are no stipulations on what you can or can’t eat, unlike some […]
When we talk about eating an all natural, whole food diet, we are referring to eating foods that are minimally processed. There are many benefits to eating a diet rich in vegetables and farm-raised meats, including weight loss and lowering your risk of chronic disease such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and much more. So […]
We have all heard about the Keto Diet, the latest trend. But do you actually know what it entails other than eating lots of fat and losing weight? In this blog I am going to dive into the basics of the ketogenic diet and our take on this diet for bariatric patients.
It is estimated that about 45 million Americans go on a diet each year. However, two-thirds of the US population is considered overweight or obese based on their body mass index. With the steady rise in the obesity rate, it is no surprise Americans are turning to extreme methods to lose weight.
Do you ever wonder why at Live Healthy MD we promote a lifestyle change and not a diet? Diets just don’t work! How many times have you started your healthy eating kick with the elimination of all processed foods, all sugar, all carbs, and basically anything that tastes good? Yeah, we have all been there.
It is a common misconception that weight loss surgery is the easy way out. However, this is not true at all! Weight loss surgery requires making many changes and change is not easy. In addition to mental changes, the diet changes necessary are usually the most challenging for most patients.
We all love food. Anyone who claims they don’t is lying. It can be difficult to even think about giving up all those delicious meals and treats you enjoy when preparing for weight loss surgery. In this blog post, we will discuss exactly what you need to do to prepare your diet for weight loss […]
Are you old enough to remember the movie Kindergarten Cop? Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as a policeman who, on assignment, poses as a kindergarten teacher in order to catch a criminal. In the famous scene, he is in front of his class of 5-year-olds, rubbing his head. One of the kids asks, “What’s the matter?” Arnold, […]

The topic of mental health has been swirling since the rise of social media. Whether talking about how to manifest your emotions or let go of things that don’t serve us, we can all agree that mental health is essential to finding fulfillment in life.

Nutrition after bariatric surgery is the most critical component to achieving long-term weight loss success. In this bariatric nutrition guide, learn everything you need to know about bariatric nutrition pre-op and post-op and nutrition basics.

Excess sugar consumption can increase your risk of many health conditions, including diabetes and obesity. In this guide, we give you the tips to reduce your sugar intake and improve your health.