Navigating the path to healthier eating, can often be challenging, especially when faced with persistent sugar cravings after bariatric surgery. Understanding the science behind these cravings is key to managing them effectively. This article delves into the hormonal and blood glucose factors that drive our desire for sugar, and offers strategies for controlling these cravings. […]

Eating too fast can make you gain weight after bariatric surgery and can be bad for your overall health. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle after surgery is not just about how much you eat, but the pace at which you eat. Throughout the bariatric process, we will teach patients to have a healthy relationship with food and […]
For bariatric patients, a low-carb diet is the most recommended way of eating to lose weight and maintain your weight loss after bariatric surgery. Hopefully, you have learned the importance of a low-carb diet at your bariatric program. However, if you are searching for resources online about getting started, this is a great place to look. […]
Loose skin after weight loss surgery is inevitable if you have lost a significant amount of weight. Although there are many benefits to bariatric surgery, including improved health, longer life expectancy, more mobility, fewer health complications, and extreme weight loss, of course, there is the risk of having loose skin after weight loss surgery. With […]
Being healthy isn’t something reserved simply for those with a high bank balance. While you do have to invest in yourself, managing your weight, lowering stress levels, and treating your body well don’t have to take a toll on you, your work, or your family. In fact, some things, such as changing careers to lower […]
Sleep is the foundation of nearly every aspect of your health, from your focus, your mood, your energy levels, and your correlation to diseases. So not only is it essential to get enough sleep each night, but it is also important to get good quality rest so your body can heal and repair itself. If […]
In last week’s blog, I shared the basics of habit formation. You consciously choose a behavior that you want to make part of your life without having to overthink it. Habits are usually paired with an environmental cue. After following that cue and action, over time, a habit will be formed. This is understood to […]
We all have numerous healthy daily habits, which (hopefully) include things like showering, brushing teeth, eating meals at regular times, and washing our hands after using the bathroom (especially now with COVID). People can also develop unproductive habits such as biting their nails, twirling their hair around a particular finger, or saying “um” many times […]
Motivation is the set of forces that activate, guide and maintain our behaviors in order to meet a goal. In other words, motivation is the reason(s) behind why you do what you do. The word motivation comes from a Latin word that means “to move”, therefore motivation implies effort and action—as in doing.
For most people, especially us southerners, July 4th is spent enjoying a long weekend filled with grilling out, drinking beer, soaking up the sun, and sharing laughs with family and friends. As glorious as this may sound, holidays can lead to anxious feelings for bariatric patients though, as they are typically surrounded by food. And […]
Is this feeling really hunger? It may sound a bit odd, but many people genuinely cannot tell if they’re physically hungry or if what they’re experiencing is a misleading hunger signal. A what? Misleading… Hunger… Signal. Sometimes you think you’re hungry, and you may even experience physiological signs that feel like genuine physical hunger. Still, you ate an adequate meal […]
As coronavirus continues to spread across the country, many employees are working from home. Although there are advantages to not having to go into the office—like never having to get out of your jammies—there are some challenges that can arise. Here are our tips to stay healthy during your workday and to avoid boredom eating.
How often have you asked someone how they are doing and they respond by saying, “busy”? We live in a time when being busy is cool. Busy means making time for work, errands, family obligations, and of course binging on your favorite Netflix show. And oftentimes, what is sacrificed is your sleep and, in turn, […]
We all want to be healthier, but knowing how can be challenging. There is too much conflicting advice out there, and too many fads, miracle cures, and wellness trends to keep track of. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there is alot of health advice that simply boils down to “eat well and work […]
Many people go into the new year with unclear or grandiose resolutions— “Lose weight and exercise every day.” Does this sound familiar? Most often, we create these crazy resolutions because we have just finished binge eating all the Christmas cookies and mashed potatoes we can consume. So why not go cold-turkey and eliminate all junk […]
Just like that, the holidays have come and gone. And if you are anything like the millions of other Americans, you probably put on a little weight as a result of all the glorious sweets and treats. On average, Americans will gain 1.3 pounds by the time January 1st rolls around and some will continue […]
The great thing about the New Year is it is a time for change. It is a time when we evaluate all the things we don’t like about ourselves, whether physically or emotionally, and set goals for positive self-improvement. However, it is easy to lose the momentum you had at the start of January.

The topic of mental health has been swirling since the rise of social media. Whether talking about how to manifest your emotions or let go of things that don’t serve us, we can all agree that mental health is essential to finding fulfillment in life.

Nutrition after bariatric surgery is the most critical component to achieving long-term weight loss success. In this bariatric nutrition guide, learn everything you need to know about bariatric nutrition pre-op and post-op and nutrition basics.

Excess sugar consumption can increase your risk of many health conditions, including diabetes and obesity. In this guide, we give you the tips to reduce your sugar intake and improve your health.