Post-Bariatric Surgery Incision Care
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Post-Bariatric Surgery Incision Care

After undergoing bariatric surgery, managing your surgical incisions properly is crucial to ensure a smooth and healthy recovery. Minimally invasive bariatric surgery typically involves making several small incisions on the abdomen, usually five to six, none of which are more than an inch in length. These incisions are typically closed with absorbable sutures beneath the […]

Dumping Syndrome after Bariatric Surgery is a medical condition characterized by the rapid transit of food from the stomach into the small intestine, commonly triggered by the consumption of foods high in fats and sugars. This condition is prevalent in individuals who have undergone gastric bypass or other types of stomach or esophageal surgeries. Incidence […]

Experiencing hair shedding after bariatric surgery is a common issue, affecting up to 80% of patients. This typically occurs in the initial months post-surgery during periods of rapid weight reduction. The primary causes of hair loss in this context are the physiological stress from sudden weight loss and various nutritional deficiencies. Most patients start to […]

Undergoing bariatric surgery comes with inherent risks such as leaks, bleeding, blood clots, and the development of anastomotic strictures post-bariatric surgery. Anastomotic strictures occur when the surgical connection between the stomach and esophagus becomes constricted. Patients might experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, a sense of fullness in the upper-middle abdomen, and problems […]

Reflux after bariatric surgery is a potential side effect, especially following a sleeve gastrectomy. Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a common condition where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. This back flow usually happens when the lower esophageal sphincter, a […]

Bariatric surgery, a transformative procedure for those seeking weight loss solutions, involves a meticulous process of modifying the stomach’s structure. This is achieved either by reducing its size or, in procedures like gastric bypass or duodenal switch, rerouting the small intestines to a newly created stomach pouch. An integral part of this surgery is the […]

Bariatric surgery has evolved significantly over the years, introducing new techniques and procedures to assist individuals in their weight loss journey. Among these, the Single Anastomosis Duodeno–Ileal bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy (SADI-S) has emerged as a notable alternative to the traditional Duodenal Switch (DS). This blog aims to illuminate the distinctions and advantages of SADI-S […]

Gastric sleeve surgery is a weight loss procedure that can offer significant benefits for individuals struggling with obesity. However, not everyone is a suitable candidate for gastric sleeve surgery. In this article, we will explore the key factors that determine whether you are a potential candidate for gastric sleeve surgery. What is the Gastric Sleeve […]

Losing a significant amount of weight through weight loss surgery is a commendable achievement. However, it is common for individuals to experience loose skin after bariatric surgery due to the rapid weight loss. The extent of loose skin varies from person to person, depending on factors such as the amount of weight lost, the rate […]

When it comes to weight loss surgery, deciding whether to have the gastric bypass or gastric sleeve procedures is a common question many patients have. These procedures are designed to help individuals struggling with obesity achieve significant weight loss and improve their overall health. The gastric bypass and the gastric sleeve are excellent options for […]

Studies have investigated the metabolic effect of bariatric surgery and the impact it can have on a patient’s long term weight loss success. Bariatric surgery is most commonly classified as restrictive, meaning the procedure restricts how much food you can eat, and malabsorptive, the procedure alters how your body absorbs nutrients. Through these two effects, […]

Ulcers after bariatric surgery are most common after the gastric bypass, although they may also occur after a gastric sleeve, a duodenal switch, or a gastric band. An ulcer is a sore in the stomach lining that, if left untreated, can cause pain, bleeding, or even result in perforation (a hole). The incidence of ulcers […]

Medications after bariatric surgery will vary significantly depending on the type of bariatric procedure you had as well as how rapidly your health improves. Obesity is associated with many health conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, cancers, and arthritis. Studies have found that around 80% of bariatric patients had comorbidities in the pre-operative state, and most of those individuals were/are […]

The gastric bypass, or Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, is the oldest and most commonly performed bariatric surgery procedure. It consists of cutting and stapling the stomach to create a smaller pouch while also re-routing the intestines.  Gastric bypass surgery helps patients lose weight by restricting the amount of food a patient can consume and creating a malabsorptive […]

An EGD after gastric bypass surgery is required in some cases when the patient is experiencing discomfort or unwanted side effects. Typically, 80% of our patients will have surgery and have no issues at all. Yet, about 20% of patients will have varying degrees of problems.  What is an EGD? Almost all bariatric surgeons will […]

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is the back-flow of acidic or non-acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is characterized by symptoms, with or without tissue damage, that result from repeated or prolonged exposure of the lining of the esophagus to acidic or non-acidic contents from the stomach. GERD is very common, affecting up […]

As bariatric surgeons, our goal is to improve the long-term outcomes for our post-bariatric surgery patients, including decreasing the need for a weight loss surgery revision. Bariatric surgery results in a physiologic reset within the body that helps patients lose weight and maintain that weight loss long term.  However, in some circumstances, a patient may […]

Weight loss surgery is considered an elective procedure, defined as a surgery that “may be delayed for months without threat to life or organ damage.” Yet, surgeons and medical professionals recognize the dangerous effects of obesity, urging insurance plans to change their policies to support bariatric coverage. Due to the decreased quality of life and […]

One of the most common questions in the field of bariatrics is asking, “can your stomach pouch stretch after bariatric surgery?” Patients want to understand what they can expect regarding stomach size long-term after a gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, or duodenal switch.  Despite height and weight, almost all adults have the same stomach size. Before […]

Donating blood is a great way to support sick people who need a blood transfusion. If you donated blood before having bariatric surgery, you might be wondering if you can continue donating blood after weight loss surgery.  What to Know About Donating Blood after Weight Loss Surgery About 70% of the body’s iron supply is found in […]

Portion control after bariatric surgery is a word that is frequently heard in the weight loss industry. Like any doctor or nutritionist will tell you, you cannot successfully lose weight without limiting the amount of food you consume during each meal. Although the right portion size is different for every individual depending on your height, […]

Weight loss surgery is an invasive procedure that requires a recovery period. However, it may not be as extensive as you think. In this blog, we will discuss what to expect from the bariatric surgery recovery process. The recommendations we make in this article apply to all of the weight loss surgery procedures and largely apply […]

Hormones play a significant role in every bodily function including how you respond to stress on the body, causing many hormonal consequences of bariatric surgery. Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate processes in our body. The hormones leptin, ghrelin, insulin, sex hormones, and growth hormones influence our appetite, metabolism, and body fat distribution and are […]

We talk a lot about life after bariatric surgery on our blog, yet there are still some side effects of bariatric surgery that we haven’t really covered. After any form of extreme weight loss, whether through bariatric surgery or diet and exercise, your body will begin to react in different ways. Weird Side Effects of […]

The topic of chronic headaches after bariatric surgery has come up pretty frequently, and we want to give you a frame of why people get headaches after bariatric surgery and some remedies you can use, and how we typically treat these. One of the critical things about headaches is whether or not you have them […]

Weight loss surgery is an invasive procedure that requires a recovery period. However, it may not be as extensive as you think. In this blog, we will discuss recovery after gastric sleeve surgery and what to expect. The recommendations we make in this article are what we generally tell our patients; however, this may not be […]

Before weight loss surgery, most bariatric surgeons will require their patients to have an upper endoscopy with a gastroenterologist to review the anatomy of their stomach and esophagus. A gastroenterology appointment before weight loss surgery is really about risk management. By sending you to a gastroenterology consultation to evaluate your esophagus and your stomach, we […]

Today we’re going to talk about drinking after weight loss surgery and some of the negative impacts alcohol can have on weight loss surgery and your post-op care. Alcoholism has its own set of issues and complications, and we won’t be going into that specifically. But we will be talking about how to handle drinking after […]

I have many patients come to me, and they say they feel as though the gastric sleeve is right for them based on their weight loss goals. When I ask the patient what they think the gastric sleeve is, I sometimes get crazy explanations. Most commonly, I hear from them that they believe it is […]

If you are having weight loss surgery, you may be interested in how you can enhance your recovery after weight loss surgery so you can get back to normal activities and ensure optimal safety and success. This blog will address some of the things we tell our patients – the do’s and don’ts after weight […]

Weight loss surgery is a popular treatment option for obesity and has shown to have many positive outcomes for a patient’s health, life expectancy, and overall quality of life. However, there are still some myths and misconceptions surrounding bariatric procedures that keep some patients from taking the step to begin their bariatric journey. 1. Weight […]

After bariatric surgery, many patients will complain of constipation. Aside from discomfort, constipation can become worrisome, especially if you were previously used to having regular bowel movements.  Constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements in a week, feeling the need to strain during bowel movements, or having hard stools. This can result […]

A common misconception surrounding weight loss surgery is that it is a permanent fix. Although surgery can help patients lose weight at an otherwise faster rate than they would with diet and exercise, it will not keep the weight off forever—patients must maintain a healthy lifestyle.  As a bariatric surgeon, I have seen many patients […]

The journey to weight loss surgery is long and requires a lot of effort, possibly even a lot of money, so regaining weight after surgery can feel entirely defeating. According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, more than 50 percent of patients will end up regaining a small percentage of their excess body […]

Prior to having weight loss surgery, you will need to quit tobacco use if you are a smoker. Before and after bariatric surgery, tobacco use can increase your overall surgical risk, affect the healing process, and lead to serious health concerns.   In general, smoking after bariatric surgery has a 30% increased risk of complications. Similarly, […]

If you are considering have weight loss surgery and are currently a smoker, you will have to quit before beginning your journey. Not only does smoking lead to serious health concerns, but tobacco use before and after weight loss surgery can increase your overall surgical risk and healing process.   We all know that smoking is […]

If your insurance does not pay for weight loss surgery, the costs can become worrisome for you and your family. Medical bills are the third largest cause of debt in the United States, aside from divorce lawyer fees and job loss.  With weight loss surgery being an elective procedure, it is easy to decide not […]

Over the last several years, a growing trend has been medical tourism, with many patients seeking bariatric surgery in Mexico. Yet, aside from the appropriate aftercare that we discussed in last week’s blog, traveling internationally for weight loss surgery carries a considerable risk for your health and your wallet.  All surgeries carry a risk, and […]

At a cost of $15,000 to $20,000 for bariatric surgery, it’s no wonder that many Americans whose insurance does not cover weight loss surgery are seeking other options. Over the last several years, a growing trend has been medical tourism, with many patients seeking bariatric surgery in Mexico. The chance to save $10,000 or more […]

Before weight loss surgery, all patients must adhere to a two-week liquid diet no matter the type of bariatric procedure being performed. The thought of drinking only liquids for two weeks sounds horrible and quite intimidating. But in this blog, we hope to educate you on the purpose of the liquid diet, the dangers of […]

In the field of weight loss surgery, there are three standard bariatric procedures that help patients lose weight and keep the weight off. The oldest procedure is the gastric bypass, although the gastric sleeve has gained popularity in recent years due to its perceived simplicity. Yet aside from the bypass and the sleeve, a third […]

The Gastric Bypass and the Gastric Sleeve are two weight loss surgery procedures that effectively reduce weight. Aside from the obvious weight loss benefits, the Bypass and the Sleeve also effectively create a metabolic and hormonal effect that results in the improvement and cure of many weight-related medical problems, including diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, high […]

Contrary to popular belief, having weight loss surgery IS NOT the easy way out. If you talk to any successful bariatric surgery patient, they will tell you about the amount of determination AND effort it took to have a better quality of life and healthier lifestyle.

Weight loss surgery seems like a potentially radical or even a scary option for losing weight. However, when you take a closer look at the risks and benefits of bariatric surgery, most experts and patients usually conclude that the reward is much greater than the risks when the procedure is performed by an expert bariatric […]

Weight loss surgery is becoming a popular choice for many overweight and obese individuals. Within our own practice, we have seen a growth of over 30% in surgery volume when comparing 2019 to 2020.

Weight loss surgery is an excellent choice for individuals to lose a significant amount of weight and keep it off over time. Yet, some patients are concerned about regaining after Bariatric Surgery. The journey to weight loss surgery is long and requires a lot of effort, possibly even a lot of money, so regaining weight […]

One of the common concerns for patients months after weight loss surgery is “will I be able to maintain this weight loss?” and “what if I gain all my weight back?”. If you are considering having bariatric surgery or have previously had the surgery, these question themes may have crossed your mind, and you may […]

There are many benefits to bariatric surgery, including improved health and extreme weight loss, of course. However, with extreme weight loss does come excess skin, or loose skin that has lost its elasticity. Loose skin can make everyday life harder and more painful. The body areas that seem to be the most problematic are around […]

What weight loss procedure should I get? This is one of the most common questions I hear in my office when meeting new patients. It may sound simple but after hearing about the advantages of each operation from multiple sources (the bariatric surgeon, internet, television, friends and family, etc.), this decision can seem overwhelming.

Weight loss surgery is becoming a popular choice for many overweight and obese individuals. With the rising number of bariatric cases performed each year, weight loss surgery may seem like a good option for you. However, there are several important qualifications that you need to consider if you are looking into having bariatric surgery. In […]

Labor Day marks the end of summer (unofficially) and that means the kids are back in school and vacations are over. With things calming down, you may be reflecting on your summer thinking “where has the time gone?”. If you are anything like the other million Americans, summer has probably derailed your weight loss goals. […]

If you are thinking about having weight loss surgery, I first want to say “congratulations”.  The decision to have weight loss surgery is not an easy decision and must not be taken lightly. With that being said, it is a wonderful way to transform your health, and your life when everything else has failed.

I can not stress enough just how important it is to find support after having weight loss surgery. Many studies have proven that physical and emotional support will ultimately help patients become more successful in the long run. Support can come in all forms but regardless of the type or the degree of involvement you would like your […]

Social media can be a great tool, however it can also be a means of self-deprecating behavior depending on your interaction with it. We have discussed the fact that if you compare yourself in a negative light to others who post online, you are not doing yourself, or your self-esteem, any favors. Focus on what you […]

A common misconception surrounding weight loss surgery is that it is a permanent fix. Although surgery can help patients lose weight at an otherwise faster rate than they would with simple diet and exercise, it will not keep the weight off forever—patients must maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The Talking it Up Show with Arlean Edwards is a local production that interviews keynote speakers within the CSRA. I, Dr. Jacome, was invited to join Arlean on set in a series of videos where I talk about what it takes to live healthy. This is the fourth video we are sharing from this series. […]

The decision to use surgery as a treatment for the disease of obesity is one that takes a considerable amount of thought. Most patients will spend the better part of a year researching their options for treatment. At Live Healthy MD, we take this decision seriously and encourage our patients to get the most information […]

  The Talking it Up Show with Arlean Edwards is a local production that interviews keynote speakers within the CSRA. I, Dr. Jacome, was invited to join Arlean on set in a series of videos where I talk about what it takes to live healthy. This is the third video we are sharing from this […]

One of the most daunting factors when considering bariatric surgery can be how you are going to afford it. I frequently see patients who desperately need and want weight loss surgery, however they do not have the funds to pay for it. With the average cost of surgery in the thousands of dollars, it is […]

One of the biggest myths surrounding weight loss surgery has to do with the safety of these procedures. I can’t begin to tell you the number of patients who say, ”I thought these operations were risky” or “I have too many medical problems for that to be safe”.  They are not completely wrong—this is surgery and surgery […]

The decision to have weight loss surgery should not be taken lightly. We encourage patients to research different procedures, speak to their surgeon, and speak to others who have already had surgery. We want our patients to fully understand the process and have realistic expectations for both their weight loss and the changes they must […]

In previous blogs I’ve talk about the duodenal switch, the gastric bypass, and the gastric sleeve. Today I want to summarize these different operations and talk about what I tell my patients when they come to see us about weight loss surgery. First off, let’s talk about the gastric sleeve. This operation we started to […]

If you have ever researched the term “weight loss” or “bariatric surgery“, you have probably heard about the gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy.  However there is another successful weight loss procedure that is not as common, known as the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch.  Over the last several months, I have posted details about the […]

The gastric sleeve, similar to the gastric bypass, is a commonly performed weight loss procedure. The gastric sleeve removes a large portion of the stomach in an effort to limit the patient’s food intake and thus contribute to weight loss surgery. In this blog post, I will detail the science behind this weight loss procedure […]

If you have researched weight loss or bariatric surgery, you have probably heard the term “gastric bypass”. But do you really know what it is all about and how you lose weight from this type of surgical procedure? In this blog post I will detail the science behind this weight loss procedure and exactly what happens to […]

Losing weight is a great way to lower your risk of health related diseases as well as gain your life back again through increased mobility and energy. So it may be surprising that you are noticing a sluggish feeling to your everyday life, leaving you feeling tired and unmotivated. There are several reasons that may reverse […]

As a weight loss surgeon, one of the many questions I get from patients about weight loss surgery is “Do I have too many medical problems for surgery?”  The answer is  NO! Weight loss surgery is meant for patients with multiple, and in most cases severe, medical problems.  Most, if not all, problems that we have […]

After any extreme weight loss, including that which results from surgery or even natural methods, weird things can begin happening to the body. You may notice these signs and symptoms immediately following surgery or they may appear several weeks after surgery. Most of the symptoms that follow surgery are temporary and are a result of your […]

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