10 Bariatric Tips for a Healthy 4th of July Weekend
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bariatric tips for a healthy 4th of July

For most people, especially us southerners, July 4th is spent enjoying a long weekend filled with grilling out, drinking beer, soaking up the sun, and sharing laughs with family and friends. As glorious as this may sound, holidays can lead to anxious feelings for bariatric patients though, as they are typically surrounded by food. And […]

Is this feeling really hunger? It may sound a bit odd, but many people genuinely cannot tell if they’re physically hungry or if what they’re experiencing is a misleading hunger signal. A what? Misleading… Hunger… Signal. Sometimes you think you’re hungry, and you may even experience physiological signs that feel like genuine physical hunger. Still, you ate an adequate meal […]

It’s late on Thursday night. You’ve worked all day, the kids are in bed and now it’s time for you to study. The professor has assigned a lengthy reading assignment. You sit down and barely make it to the third page before you’re fidgeting, distracted, and … bored by the content. Mindlessly, you set the […]

Stress eating, or “emotional eating” seems to be as common a problem as mosquitos at a Fourth of July picnic! In fact, when I work with patients who are struggling with weight regain, the majority of them attribute the increase in pounds to “stress.” I remind each of them, in a playful, yet serious way, […]

The keto diet has been shown to be an effective diet for losing weight. Its low-carbohydrate, high-fat, moderate-protein model transforms the body from glucose-reliant to a machine that uses fat for fuel and produces ketones endogenously.

Many swear by keto, but just like other diets, it isn’t for everyone. The important things to consider when deciding whether or not to “go keto” after bariatric surgery are your current health status, your health goals, and how (and if) keto can fit into your life.

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